♟️ Vörumerki eiga heima í stjórnarherbergjum fyrirtækja.
🇬🇧 Read this article in English by clicking here. Nútíma stjórnendur eru í auknum mæli að huga að uppbyggingu vörumerkja í rekstri fyrirtækja. Þó að umræðan um vörumerki sé ekki ný af nálinni þá hefur hún aukist til muna á síðustu árum. Best reknu fyrirtæki heims fjárfesta og vinna jafnt og þétt í sínum vörumerkjum. […]
♟️ Brands Belong in the Boardroom
🇮🇸 Read this article in Icelandic by clicking here. In the modern business landscape, brand building has become a crucial consideration for managers. While the discussion about brands is not new, its significance has grown considerably in recent years. Some of the world’s most successful companies have invested substantial effort in nurturing their brands over […]
🎉 Reflections on the Past Year
The year began with exams from the first semester of my master’s program in Italy, focusing on economics with an emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation. These exams covered a wide range of subjects, including statistics, corporate law, micro/macroeconomics and more. Living abroad has undeniably been a transformative experience, one that has significantly broadened my horizons […]
🕵️♂️ Decoding the Complexity of Simplicity in Brand Storytelling
We as humans are always searching for something simple and relatable, we have limited space in our brains, and the simpler things are to understand, the better. This is especially true in the complex world of branding. Simplicity isn’t just important for consumer-focused brands like Coca-Cola, Starbucks, Apple, and Tesla; it’s absolutely critical for B2B […]
💡 The Significance of Innovation for Small Nations: A Case Study of Iceland
🇮🇸 Read this article in Icelandic by clicking here. Innovation is a multifaceted concept. It serves as the foundation for economic prosperity and a tool to address significant future challenges encompassing people’s well-being, environmental concerns, sustainability, technology, and education. For a small nation like Iceland, innovation presents abundant opportunities. Our small size, often perceived as […]
💡 Mikilvægi nýsköpunar fyrir litla þjóð.
🇬🇧 Read this article in English by clicking here. Nýsköpun, sem er undirstaða framfara og aukinnar verðmætasköpunar, á sér margar hliðar. Hún er ekki aðeins grundvöllur efnahagslegrar velgengni heldur líka tæki sem unnt er að nota til þróunar og til að takast á við stærstu úrlausnarefni framtíðarinnar. Ber þá helst að nefna úrlausnarefni sem snúa […]
🔧 The CEO’s Toolbox
🇮🇸 Read this article in Icelandic by clicking here. Running a business doesn’t follow a single prescribed path; otherwise, every business would operate identically. Nevertheless, the primary objective for most companies remains consistent – generating profitability for shareholders. While numerous strategies can be employed to establish a competitive edge and stand out in the market, […]
🔧 Verkfærakista forstjórans
🇬🇧 Read this article in English by clicking here. Það er engin ein rétt leið til að reka fyrirtæki, ef það væri svo myndu allir reka fyrirtækin sín með sama hætti. Þó er meginmarkmið í flestum fyrirtækjum það sama, að skapa arðsemi til hluthafa. Margt er hægt að gera til að knýja fram samkeppnisforskot og […]
👋 Bridging the Gap: An Introduction to Insights from Industry Leaders!
I’m excited to introduce a new series that I’m beginning – one that promises to be enlightening, informative, and transformative. The core of this exploration is rooted in my fascination with the dynamic world of business, both Icelandic and foreign, but extends far beyond these borders. This series will be a deep dive into the […]
🎯 Discovering the Power of Brand Positioning
Unlocking the true potential of your brand requires a deep understanding of its position in the market. Assessing your brand’s positioning is not just an option but a necessity if you aim to stand out amidst fierce competition. It serves as a compass guiding your strategic decisions, fostering meaningful connections, and ultimately driving your success. […]